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Cool Sites
All Phones - Check out the cool novelty phones at cheap prices. Also have about every cordless phone there is!
Lip Store - Have lips? Love lip shaped items? Check out this site. Lip phones, lamps, cake pans, etc...
Waste of Time - name kinda says it all really! LOL
Virtual Stapler - Remember the movie Office Space? check out the clips.. plus bang away on the virtual staplers!
Virtual Kiss - THE online kissing resource !
Dating Fun - from pickup to break-up this site is THE online dating resource - tips, advice, buying guide etc..
Who Do You Love - a safe haven for those in love... providing LoveCards, LoveAstrology, LoveTranslations, and more!
Daily Fashion - Real fashion advice for real girls from DailyFashion.com!
spam filter - The e-mail user's anti-spam and virus information source by EmailAbuse.org.
Love Quotes - Find the perfect love saying for your honey from Love-Quotes.org.
Famous Quotes - even more famous quotes to impress your friends.
Sex Tips - clean site about the art of lovemaking, plus reviews of online stores that sell condoms and toys.
Lost Luggage Tales - travel the world... tell you tales... real tales from insane adventures.